Friday, September 08, 2006

The End of An Era

One afternoon I was walking along the
Canal When I came upon a little
bridge and crossed to the other side of the river.
The path led up to the railroad and I came upon this crossing. When I turned to my right and looked down the empty tracks it put a whole segment of my life into focus. The abondoned factory, the seldom used tracks and the row of mill houses along those tracks.

My roots go back to a family of mill workers including myself. I went to work in a mill when I was fourteen to help my parents out financially. It was a good experience for me because I made up my mind that day a long time ago that I did not want to work in a mill the rest of my life -- I wanted to own it! It was a dark day when I entered that mill but I have turned it into a positive experiece. Always try to look at the bright side of life!
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